Friday, October 22, 2010

Fierce Alert!! Boys and Girls.. Say Cheese!

Dear beautiful people of the earth,

It's a pleasure for us to announce that, we are open for another big opportunity for you who's dying to be a MODEL. A platform in helping you becoming one. Although, some would find it tough to get through into modeling, but, perhaps with a little bit of courage and determination, as well as being at the right place at the right time can change your life forever.

Our company has put our heart and soul in our projects, and hoping that it will not just going to be a stepping stone for you guys out there who want to change direction in their field of work but to make this world a better place. Some says, if you're not tall and pretty enough, there is no way for you to pursue your dream of becoming a model. But, for us we look at it differently.

Beauty, the definition of it is too wide. There is too many speculations made up till it became like it was born as twin with stereotype. People would look as beauty in whole lot different ways, some finds skinny is pretty and some says curvaceous is sexy. For us, beauty shows through your personality and how you present yourself. If you are the right person, right look and with the right attitude, we would love to welcome you to be part of our company.

Here's the details for the Modeling Casting:

Time :
Monday - Friday : 11 am - 1 pm, 2 pm - 4 pm
Saturday and Sunday : 11 am - 5 pm

Registration Fee
- RM 250 (Includes Portfolio, Professional Photographer, Make-up Experts, Catwalk/Runaway coaching)

- In a good health condition
- Great personality ( Confidence, good attitude, punctual, etc..)
- Bilingual (Malay and English)
- Experienced in modeling is an advantage

Give it a try and you will see the difference.

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