Saturday, October 30, 2010

Johor People.. Casting Call For Talents (Films, Telemovies, Documentaries & Commercial).. We Will Rock Your Town!!

Venue : Tebrau III, Crystal Crown, Johor Bharu

Date : 30th October 2010 (Saturday)

Time : 9.00 am - 5.00 pm

Casting Open For Public (JOHOR)

Johor people.. Good news!! On this 30th October 2010, we will be in your town. This is your chance to show us what you got to fulfill the media industry needs. If you think that you got what it takes to be the 'shining star', come join us at Crystal Crown Hotel, Johor Bahru.

What do you need to bring along?
- RM 100.00 for registration.
- Photos of yours.
a. 1 full body length photo,
b. 1 MS (head to waist) photo and
c. 1 passport size photo

So, what do waiting for? Give us a call for pre-registration
Tel : +6014 754 0972 (Farah)
Email :

See you there!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

1 Malaysia Poco-poco and Shuffle Challenge 2010.


  •  Open to everyone
  •  Registration fee 
                - Poco-poco (5+ per group) : RM 100.00

                - Shuffle (Solo/Individual) : RM 50.00

                - Shuffle (5+ per group) : RM 100.00
  • Submit your crew's details to our, FACEBOOK (Ris Far East Production) or                EMAIL (  

  • Prizes
                     Poco -poco :    
                            - Grand Prize
                                       a. RM 2, 000.00
                                       b. Winning Trophy
                                       c. Hamper
                                       d. Certificate of Participation

                            - 2nd Runner Up
                                       a. RM 1, 500.00
                                       b. Winning Trophy
                                       c. Hamper
                                       d. Certificate of Participation 

                            - 3rd Runner Up
                                       a. RM 1, 000.00
                                       b. Winning Trophy
                                       c. Hamper
                                       d. Certificate of Participation

                     Shuffle (Solo) :    
                            - Grand Prize
                                       a. RM 800.00
                                       b. Winning Trophy
                                       c. Hamper
                                       d. Certificate of Participation

                            - 2nd Runner Up
                                       a. RM 500.00
                                       b. Winning Trophy
                                       c. Hamper
                                       d. Certificate of Participation 

                            - 3rd Runner Up
                                       a. RM 300.00
                                       b. Winning Trophy
                                       c. Hamper
                                       d. Certificate of Participation 

                     Shuffle (Group) :    
                            - Grand Prize
                                       a. RM 2000.00
                                       b. Winning Trophy
                                       c. Hamper
                                       d. Certificate of Participation

                            - 2nd Runner Up
                                       a. RM 1500.00
                                       b. Winning Trophy
                                       c. Hamper
                                       d. Certificate of Participation 

                            - 3rd Runner Up
                                       a. RM 1000.00
                                       b. Winning Trophy
                                       c. Hamper
                                       d. Certificate of Participation 

Terms and Conditions
  • No age limitation (Kids under 12 years old must be supervised by parents).
  • Malaysia Citizen.
  • Participation among mixed race are most welcomed.
  • Bring your own CD.
  • For Poco-poco, they will be given 5 - 8 minutes performance with songs/mash up of choice.
  • Shuffle (Solo/Individual) are given 3 - 5 minutes performance with songs of/mash up choice.
  • Shuffle (Group) are given 4 - 6 minutes performance with songs of choice/mash up.
  • Dress code : Proper attire, sports wear.


Fierce Alert!!!!! Casting Tips..

Ever had an audition you knew you aced? The one that was a sure thing? All you had to do was wait for the call from the casting director confirming the booking. But the call never came and you were left wondering what the heck the casting director was looking for. I mean, you're a fantastic actor! Rather than leave you wondering what these crazy casting directors want.

Here are the Top Ten Things Directors Thinks You Should Do During Casting!

Don't worry about the words
Forget memorizing lines. Casting directors don't care about that. What is expected is that you show the personality and bones of the character. We know that the actor isn't going to be able to memorize the lines for an audition. We aren't worried. What we're looking for is the character. Encompass those things rather than being intent on the lines.

Ask questions..... but only if you really need to
 When we ask if you have any questions, it's only to help you get clarity if there's something in the sides that's confusing. Very often the best auditions come from actors who just say 'nope' and dive right in.It is your job to show up knowing all that you can possibly know about the part you are reading for. I'm not crazy about someone who comes in and asks a million questions because often they could get the answers from their manager or agent. If you're only given sides, that should be enough. Find out what you can ahead of time and be prepared. You don't know how many people are waiting!"

Listen and react
 "The camera loves to watch you listen. Make the audition about the other person, even if the reader isn't giving you much. Don't check out or wait to act when it's not your line. Don't be afraid to let what is happening sink in a little. In real life you internalize things. We like to see the actor think and respond. It isn't a matter of clipping off the lines.

Get it right the first time
 You're not coming to an on-camera audition to get coached. You are there to blow them away the first time. Come prepared (know who your character is, what you want, etc.) and blow them away. Someone who just nails it is impressive says. Be on it.The person in charge might not think you deserve a second chance. They will think that they just saw your best the first time you did it. I've seen many theatre actors walk in, fire through a read and be shocked when the only response is: 'Great! Thanks.' That, in my experience, is common. Don't be a second take actor."

Be flexible
 If you do get a second chance make the most of it. Casting directors love an actor that can take direction well. They are going to throw things at you to see how skilled you are. If you can tell an actor to tweak something and they change it to what you want, "it's great". If you don't get any direction -- don't read into it. On-camera casting takes more time than a typical theatre audition. They might be renting the equipment and paying by the hour, or they might have to change tapes, etc. There's a chance they just might be running late.

Know what you look like on the monitor
 A skill that always impresses directors is when an actor instinctively (or by training) knows how to work the camera. "It's important to see someone who is aware of the camera and knows how to do what they need to do with the camera on them, learn how to position your body and face so the best parts are seen in the right way and at the most important times. One actor (who wishes to remain anonymous due to extreme embarrassment) remembers being told by a casting director that she looked like a bobble head doll. In person, her subtle movements were fine, but on film the camera magnified them. She had to learn through practice that some natural movements were too much on tape. Borrow a camcorder and find out what everyone else sees. Just don't be overly critical.

Know where to look
 When you are watching a television show actors are not looking into a camera. You want to connect with something, but often people in the room with you are walking around or looking at papers. You also don't want to maintain constant eye contact with your scene partner or reader. Let your eyes wander, a little bit. Practice finding a focus point just above your eyeline (when you look straight ahead) to drift off to. You needn't keep an eye-lock on the reader. We often look away while processing things in life, and a second focus, to allow us to watch you think, can be nice during an audition. Just don't look down. Lots of us look down to think.

They are paying attention to you
 If you think you're going unnoticed, you are wrong. When I'm watching an audition I tend to watch the monitor. I'm looking to see how the actor looks on-camera. No matter what happens, never assume they're ignoring you. Sometimes auditions are filmed and the person who is ultimately responsible for making the final casting call isn't there. What they see might be a tape of your audition. So don't count yourself out if it seems like no one cares about your performance.

Keep the moment going
 The casting director wants to see what you look like when you aren't talking. They want to know that you can stay with it until it's over. When you get on a television show you won't have the option of yelling "cut" -- out loud or internally -- so start practicing now. Stopping the action before you're told annoys everyone. Often the reader will have the last line and the director is watching your reaction and wants to see how you move on with life at the end of the scene. It's a real buzz-kill when the actor just kind of stops as soon as they get to the end of their last line.

You're a person first, actor second
 People don't hire actors. They hire people who can act. When it's close -- and it often is -- sometimes hiring decisions have to do with the person as much as the performance. So what does that mean? "Personality. Personality. Personality!!

Tiny tidbits of truth from the pros:
  • Don't be surprised if there isn't a camera -- even if it is for TV!
  • Be nice to everyone -- the receptionist might be the casting director's sister. The director might look like an intern.
  • Never complain -- we are in the same air conditioning that you are in.
  • Never apologize -- we don't care if you're sorry you did a bad read.
  • Never blame -- the person that didn't give you the script ahead of time might be the person hiring you.
  • Don't schmooze -- we hate that!
  • Don't look at us like we're about to perform a root canal -- we're nice people.
  • Be professional -- after all, it is a job interview

Fierce Alert!! Boys and Girls.. Say Cheese!

Dear beautiful people of the earth,

It's a pleasure for us to announce that, we are open for another big opportunity for you who's dying to be a MODEL. A platform in helping you becoming one. Although, some would find it tough to get through into modeling, but, perhaps with a little bit of courage and determination, as well as being at the right place at the right time can change your life forever.

Our company has put our heart and soul in our projects, and hoping that it will not just going to be a stepping stone for you guys out there who want to change direction in their field of work but to make this world a better place. Some says, if you're not tall and pretty enough, there is no way for you to pursue your dream of becoming a model. But, for us we look at it differently.

Beauty, the definition of it is too wide. There is too many speculations made up till it became like it was born as twin with stereotype. People would look as beauty in whole lot different ways, some finds skinny is pretty and some says curvaceous is sexy. For us, beauty shows through your personality and how you present yourself. If you are the right person, right look and with the right attitude, we would love to welcome you to be part of our company.

Here's the details for the Modeling Casting:

Time :
Monday - Friday : 11 am - 1 pm, 2 pm - 4 pm
Saturday and Sunday : 11 am - 5 pm

Registration Fee
- RM 250 (Includes Portfolio, Professional Photographer, Make-up Experts, Catwalk/Runaway coaching)

- In a good health condition
- Great personality ( Confidence, good attitude, punctual, etc..)
- Bilingual (Malay and English)
- Experienced in modeling is an advantage

Give it a try and you will see the difference.

Thursday, October 21, 2010



We proudly invite you to join our academy, Akademi Warisan Anak Seni (AWAS) as a platform for the newcomers to learn and acknowledge more in and out of the industry.This academy is a registered corporation with Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia.  

Courses and workshop are provided such as;
  • Masterclass Cinematography

  • Video Camera Technique Workshop (Basic/Advance)

  • HD Camera Technique Workshop

  • Masterclass Film Managing Management

  • Video Production Workshop

  • Documentary Production Workshop

  • Directing Workshop

  • Editing Workshop

  • Masterclass Writing (Script/Screen)

  • Documentary Script Writing Workshop

  • Production Design Workshop

  • Acting Workshop

  • Masterclass Animation

  • Production Management Workshop

  • Make-up Workshop (Basic/Advance)

Care to join? Send us your details to

I/C Number:
Permanent Address:
Contact Number:

Build Your Dream Career With Us!

R.F.E Production is a company that built based on our extremely passions of the Media Industry. For that matters, we feel that we are responsible in funding, providing Experts in Technical and Production crew to help and facilitate in the making of, and distributing;

 - Films


 - Drama

 - Video/Music Clips

 - Documentaries

 - Televisions Programs

 - News

 - Commercial Advertisement

 - Photography

 - Make-up and Special Effects

 - Talents Bookings

Other Services;

 - Accommodate Rental Transportation for Production Crew and Equipment

 - Catering For Production Team

What makes us uniquely stand to qualified and give out our services for Local/International clients in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei is that, we offered an array of creative casting and production services. Thus, with that awareness of making the industry a better place and filled with not just talented people but also, equipped with edge, class and quality.

If you are interested and excited to join, we can be contacted at;

Tel : +6 014 754 0972

Email :

Office Address :
2nd Floor, 15-2,
Jalan AU/4B, Keramat Permai Business Centre
Off Jalan Setiawangsa,
Kuala Lumpur